What Lens To Use For ICM

When I first started coming across examples of Intentional Camera Movement, I immediately wanted to know how it was created and whether the lens I use mattered.

It turns out it really does matter.

I’ll preface the rest of this article by saying any lens can be used for ICM.
Only got a kit lens? Use it!
You’ll still get pleasing results, but as you delve deeper into this creative style, you might want to start considering the following…

Filter Size

Neutral Density (ND) filters are one of the key components to daytime long exposures. Lowering the amount of light entering the lens allows you to extend the shutter speed without over-exposing the image. Admittedly filter size isn't the biggest consideration here when choosing a lens, but having a filter that fits various lenses is an added bonus you shouldn't overlook. A huge filter size means more to carry and might not fit in your favourite filter case.


Zoom Ring

Spinning the zoom ring while the shutter is open (zoom burst) is a technique often used in ICM. During an exposure of, say 0.3 seconds, you'll want the zoom ring to be easily accessible, smooth and easy to move without too much resistance in order to get the effect you want. In other forms of photography, a slightly stiffer zoom can be more desirable; but in my opinion, a faster moving zoom gives me more of a quickfire control when operating it during an ICM exposure.


Good news, a crazy wide aperture isn't necessary with Intentional Camera Movement. Usually we stop down anywhere from f8 all the way to the smallest aperture, depending what the exposure time is and the strength of the ND filter. Because of this, lenses don’t need to cost a fortune.
Fixed aperture zoom lenses aren't essential either.
Because we often shoot at a higher f-stop, variable aperture lenses, like kit lenses, are also suitable and the f number will remain the same across all focal lengths.

Focal Length

This one is personal taste and may depend on what your subject is. I mostly shoot street ICM so a focal range upwards of 24mm suits me just fine. Landscape photographers might want a wider field of view.

One consideration is that telephoto focal lengths, like 200mm and above, will introduce a lot more motion in your image than a 24mm would with the same intentional movement. Together with the added camera shake of longer focal lengths, it can be harder to control the type of movements you want to make.

Form Factor

As is the case with most street photography, a big lens attracts too much attention. This isn’t as much of an issue if you're sticking to landscape ICM, but even then, big lenses are an added weight when walking around. A smaller form factor and weight will give you more control over the movements, and usually an easier to reach zoom ring.


The price of a lens can be a determining factor, particularly if your budget is low, or, like me, you get a real kick out of pushing the capabilities of cheap gear!

My favourites

My current lens of choice is Canon's 28-105mm f3.5-4.5 on a full frame camera. This lens is no longer in production but can be found used for under £100 and ticks all the boxes for what I need.


The filter size is a pretty standard 58mm (the same as my Canon 85mm 1.8), and the focal length starts at an acceptable 28 and even goes beyond most other options upto an unusual 105mm. The aperture is just bright enough for me to use for other daytime shots making this a lens I keep attached and can use for almost everything. My favourite thing about this lens is the size, it’s tiny for the generous focal range. It doesn't get too heavy or attract much attention either.

I do prefer the results of my Tamron SP 24-70 f2.8, and it functions better as a ‘do all’ lens, but it is very bulky, has a huge front lens element that attracts attention, and needs an equally large filter of 82mm that I have to carry in its own case.


I have, on occasion, used my Canon 24-70 f4 L lens, and while I love the zoom ring and sharpness, again the size keeps me reaching for something smaller.

What is your favourite lens for ICM?


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